Another time : the strutggling and starving Europe,thriving on piracy and colonial mastication , found India weak, very rich and backward in the art of War or millitancy. . That was true and our mythological back-ground admits it.(In Ramayana, Our demonic Ravana had his golden city(Swarna Lanka) while Rama the gentle ' prince' had to accept' exile' as per social ethics of the then civilised society. Just as, - all CEOs in America are richer than any professor of any American University (Einstein was a ,financially, poor scientist compared to the 'builder Trump').But let us not deviate from the main issue.
It took a time like seventeen years, in applied science, to prove Einstein's 'bending of light' by Gravitation & it took almost 80 years for Chandrashekharan to get the recognition of his work by Nobel Committee. And after three thousand years(with +/-), the M-theory and String theorists are on the verge of agreeing to the Vedantic -Darshan(not philosophy) regarding the true Nature of the Endless Universes and existence of Eternity beyond Big-Bang orTime-Space limitation.Where would have been all these applied science without Indian contribution of the divine Zero to the field of Science and Mathematics. Please don't again say that 'they' borrowed it from Arab world, (for God's sake) ! Like quantum technology, the modern revelation are but only apllied Vedantic Sutras. Next time, may I be allowed to link between Einstein's Time-Space and Yagyavailka's revelation of the same thru Gargi, the great Ldy of Vedantic Age ( Contd) [the statements are protected under seccond Amendment)
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