Friday, November 25, 2011

"20 Tagore paintings at  art college fake : ASI " - The Times of  India, kolkata, Saturday , November 26,2011,(Front page, also P -4).
"Elementary Watson, elementary"  --said Sherlock Holmes.

And my opinion : Just look at the eyes of the two feminine figures,
put up on the front page of the News paper (T.O.I).
 They have the 'eyes' of two villains  from  some of Hitch- cock 's  Pictures  and you need no further  scanning to tell that they are fake. 
That also, tell about the character of the artist involved  in  this  'fake-painting'  profession.
 Ganesh haloi  is  right and genuine in his comment . .
Other Non-artist- stalwarts, who commented,  were not expected  to know   much or find it on the spot.
Jogen Chaudhury  should have made public, about his own opinion as he is a tall figure in this field. He was the Curator in Jaipur House Art gallery(1970-80s) and he should know more  about the genuineness of those paintings. Did he not see the exhibition ?
Shuvaprasanna is now also another stalwart and has raised  right points & apt questions. 
We , together , held Exhibitions of Visual Art in AKADEMY OF  FINE  ARTS, in 1981. Mine  was:

"Symphony of  Wood "[ Waste  wood]  -by Phani Basu.
It is natural that he won't remember me , for, I was  an 'outsider' and I have no training in Art of any sort (neither in school  nor Art College).But  he ,surely, remembers ; Arany Banerjee, Ahi Bhusan malik,Mrinal Sen, Krishna Chaitanya (Delhi),S.H Vatsayan, Delhi(Jnyanpith award winner),Mrinal  Sen, Cacutta),Ayanna Deva Angadi(Asian Music Circle(international)London, A.S Panwar, head of Department of  Sculpture, Lucknow: All of them showered on me the highest grade of praise for revealing  my capacity in the field of Art.
Ananda Bazar  Patrica & DESH ,weekly (Sandeep sarkar)  declared, even ,that  I have God-gifted Vision!
Finally I  was  a Cardiologist -(now retired) ) with M.D degree, a poet by natural gift , a play-wright with 20 plays(19 manuscripts + one pubished),an essayist, a free lance Journalist and finally writing daily in 24 BLOGS on every subjects, conceivable.
And  I do not visit Art Exhibitions  any more for many years(spent 16 years in U.S,,A), nor, even, BOOK-Fairs  and have not  seen that ART EXHIBITION but dare to make a 'Spot-Diagnosis', -[with my nedical capacity]' that  the originator of those fake- pictures ( on the News Paper)  as mentioned above, is or are  "Crooked  -Hearts",as  I think !
Please, find out  further, explore and pubish in full . Need detective talent of another Sherlock Holmes ! He or they should be in jail for safety of others .
***[This is psychic impresion from within : can't prove it ]
PS :" "Aim was to get fakes legitimised: PIL " The T.O.I, Kolkata, Saturday Nov. , 26,2011. P 4.
Feel so happy to see the name  of Sculptor  -Tapas Sarkar who filed the PIL !
He knows me very well and it was he  , who helped an amateur like me, in the exhibition of  'Symphony of Wood'  in ' Akademy of Fine Arts' in 1981 & 1985.
I  lost his track and address since 1993  when I went to U.S.A and have been trying to know his address & Phone no- since I came back from U.S.A in 2008.
Hope Tapas would see this note and contact me through my E-Mail. This is a personal request !


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