ART OF COMMUNICATION : (In Lighter vein )A letter to the DIVINE, Father of all and everything,
Heaven (not space but Field of Vibration & Consciousness.)
Sub - prayer and appeal
Dearest Father-mother of All,
I am living on Earth like an orphan and ignorant son with other brothers;some look like me some like quadrupeds, others with wings, others are worms, insects, germs and what not. You must be the Father-mother of all of us and of them too.
My own problem is with my own brothers ! Some call you God ,Some -Allah, some Jehovah ,some -Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Shiva etc ,etc, & etc. And no one seems to know your real identity.
This great confusion has become a great opportunity for us for in-infighting and killing each other to acquire more material inheritance on this costly Earth !
We, with your blessing, have made great bombs and missiles to destroy each other with great faith and confidence. Every one of us claim that you are on his or their side. Could you bless me with the truth so that I can help them / your ignorant son= pibi/ Address - the present World in Global-Crisis and Human in-fighting.