Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Art & Aesthetics of Life ;

Have been swimming long
the river of life
from the source
now nearing the sea.

Experienced so much
suffered , enjoyed , and loved
felt often bound and so often free.
so many things I donot know
also, my real identity.

Who am I and why i came
and who is this `I` ...!
within me ...!!!

Azure sky shall ever be
limited life and our `reality
yet ,try not to bind your dream
and love
inside a frame.

Monday, August 28, 2006

ART & AESTHETICS ; ( Poetry )


All entertainments seem distraction
and perceptions signalling distress
even enjoyment invites boredom and
feel numb -looking at your face !

Saturday, August 19, 2006


If I love any when anyone
even you
what is that to anyone or
even to you
It is my soul blossoming
and the fragrance Will float
even without you
If I tell any when
`I love you`
like an Ad
announcing loud and
meaning nothing
Just let the word float away
and fade.

Honey-bee keeps no honey
in bee-hive, it stores that `cream`
each flower has its own wish
but keeps -secret, its dream .

Incense-stick has no beauty, sir
burning out is its life-long chance
ever ready to face a fire
and release its stored up fragrance !

`Find some quiet time to think...about where you are in life, about your goal, about your disappointments and so on.
Insight can be very curative and energizing but it requires - THOUGHT.`
(Keeoing life simple --by Karen levine )

Friday, August 18, 2006


( a Mantra )

`Akhanda mandalakarang , byaptam yena char-acharam;
tatpadam darshitam yena , tasmai shree Gurabe namoha !`

(Translated from Sanskrit :)
The indivisible, the spherical. all embracing , all pervading, all transcending -THAT !
I salute my Master, who can lead me, for experience, to the feet of such DIVINE !!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ethics and War : ( In lighter vein )

My mini -size I.Q always put a limitation on my capacity to understand :-
  1. How democracy can be transplanted militarily on the body of another Nation with shear force of military might and cutting Age whim.

  2. How by out-sourcing the infra -structure economy, security and jobs, a Nation can ,in the long run, sustain its safety and superiority.

  3. A Day may come when a powerful Nation will dream for more economy and prosperity by out-sourcing , even, Administrative load to other countries.

  4. Anything can be the becoming-outcome , - when mere military might , individual financial power and manipulated votes will be the Hal-mark of Modern Democracy !
Through out life -on space around -or
on pages available , I let
dance my thoughts
those dots and pigmented lines
twisted , zig-zag, round
some, named them -sketch -or pictures
Other times, - mute words crying for shape
or voice !
in-built dumb thoughts
rolled on pages - as my last evidence
(my fragile manuscripts !) -my poems !
when I shall be no more.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Attached too much to the worldly ways
desire hankers to possess more
deprivation of desire generates anger
anger distorts our mind and thought

Distorted mind turns to delusion
delusion degrades the physical mind
degraded mind is the cause of down-fall
thus self-destruction is the outcome.
( ref - Geeta: ch- II/62,63 )

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


The flower blooms
not to be plucked
for your friend
boy or girl
but for subtler cause
of its own

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Portrait of words :

Did not tell why you came
do no know when -you left
in deserted room and aloof space
deep sigh swings
the half-open door !

Saturday, August 12, 2006

ART OF TELLING : (Meeting God Through soccer quicker than through `Mantras`.)

Once a young brahmin, weak and sick, came to Swami Vivekananda for spiritual guidance. Swamiji asked him how he developed such a sick body. The young was trying to cover up by telling that he spent more time in reading scripture than out-door life . Swamiji smiled and asked -where will keep god in your sick body ? The young man fumbled and was humbled by such witty remarks.
Swamiji fianally advised - ` you will meet God quicker by playing foot-ball(soccer) than through Geeta or scripture`.
(extracted from memory of earlier reading ).

Friday, August 11, 2006

LIVING ALONE : =choice of company or living within +

Who is afraid of living alone !
Are we , really ever al9one when nobody is is living with me or around us.
Some people, of course . must have one one's company or otherwise some `Talk-show, or some T.V serial to feel accompanied . That is individual choice or way of arraigning life .
For me , so long I have the friendship of books , from good Library, and keep company of Einstein, Shakespeare, Lincoln so on, I do not have to bother about any problem if living alone.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

ART & ETHICS ;(Poetry )

`How flighty is the crazy wind over the mast
whom shall I tackle first
the wind ,-or the mast
Which of the two will pay heed to me
the mast or the wind !
Shall I -
Shall I Coax them to a compromise
and lower the sail from the top of the mast ?

Translated from a bengali poem by -Umanath Bhattacharya )
ART OF COMMUNICATION : (In Lighter vein )
A letter to the DIVINE, Father of all and everything,
Heaven (not space but Field of Vibration & Consciousness.)
Sub - prayer and appeal
Dearest Father-mother of All,
I am living on Earth like an orphan and ignorant son with other brothers;some look like me some like quadrupeds, others with wings, others are worms, insects, germs and what not. You must be the Father-mother of all of us and of them too.
My own problem is with my own brothers ! Some call you God ,Some -Allah, some Jehovah ,some -Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Shiva etc ,etc, & etc. And no one seems to know your real identity.
This great confusion has become a great opportunity for us for in-infighting and killing each other to acquire more material inheritance on this costly Earth !
We, with your blessing, have made great bombs and missiles to destroy each other with great faith and confidence. Every one of us claim that you are on his or their side. Could you bless me with the truth so that I can help them / your ignorant son= pibi/ Address - the present World in Global-Crisis and Human in-fighting.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

AESTHETICS : (`The Evening , the Stars and You`)
` it grows darker
the stars sine bright
and the vast void reveals cosmic wonder
of the universe, teeming with spheres.
This one perception alone is a fountain-head
of many a melodious tune
when dressed in gorgeous red and gold
you step in
bringing with you the redolence Sweet
of evening serene
and sit by me with an air of intimacy
eager to communicate.`

(Translated from a Bengali poem by -Umanath Bhattacharya )
Beauty of Numbers and their arrangements ;
The Universe and Cosmos are but only numbers and their arrangements in relative positioning and association. It is Galileo, perhaps, who told that the language of the universe is numbers only (Correct me if I am wrong )! A small example of number & arrangement :-

8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

Those numbers (1 to 9 ); any direction you add up equal 15. The modern Cosmologists say, the Universe from any position you look up looks the same. Is it not interesting to know this ! And what are numbers -but mere additions and subtractions of 1 or o ,-or their fractions. I heard, -that computer language is the expression of 0 & 1 in arrangements alone.

Ethics do not drop from Heaven. It depends on Ethnic faith and practice .With growth of culture and expansion of consciousness, value and quality of ethics re-shape themselves. Unless we respect other beings, their habits and faith and culture , our own moral stand become dying or degenerative tools.
ART OF TELLING : ( Poetry )

`Like the well-conceived plot of a drama
harmoniously knit
if I could, only, get a few moments
strung into a wreath !
Scarcely have I said this, when, you step in
dressed in gorgeous red and gold
bringing with you the aroma of
the summer eve, now cooling down.
........`(translated from Bengali by Umanath Bhattacharya)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

ART : Art of Presentation (American Economy) :
A great Economist said (name forgotten) ; -`There are three types of statistics -Lie. Big lie and Damn lie`.
Let me now tell you a story to help my substance; In a remote village in poor Bengal of early 20th Century there were only ten families, not only poor but almost starving (a famine-time). One daring young man from that family went to the West and came back,15 years after, a multi-millionaire.
The villagers were all happy, excited and the school teacher of arithmetic of that village calculated and reported to the Village-head and proud villagers that per-capita income of that village was now very very high as each family had an income of about 10 lacs /per family/per year.
Though the other nine families were still starving ,the Village Economist did not agree on on the poverty of others on ground of scientific report.
*( I read a thesis some when and found a line : `-the result of a statistical outcome depends on the way one poses a problem and arranges information.)

A-B-C-D-E-F-G : Air strike, Bombing all round ,-you see
H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P ; High-jack ,Murder and Insurgency
Q-R-S & T-U V : Quarrel , Rob ,stabbing are Adult-games
W-X-Y-Z ; War-zone-frame

If UNO sanctions , then, you see
adults, can re-learn (our ) A-B-C-D .
*** ( Modern age of Continued Education for us and our Children ,as thy grow.)

Monday, August 07, 2006


The more the knowledge of Modern Science is exploring and expanding beyond, unto the boundary of the universe ,humanity that was feeling to be at the top of all Divine designs , increasingly find its own existence only `incidental``and insignificant. Amongst the multiple universes with millions of Galaxies for each and with millions of stars in our own Milk-way-garden, our own Sun, a star, is given the mere recognition of a tiny one left in one corner of our Galaxy.
To think that even to the Divine our whole human evolution, existence and all achievements has no importance or permanent value cut to the size our huge Ego and feeling of `species of choice` to such degree of insignificance that only the ignorant ones can now afford the luxury of feeling as blessed Children of God.
ART (Literary) :

The firefly stitch the night
to repair it - while
we dissect all time
to find out faults.

Once I used to visit a garden
to smell a rose
Now, I scan all green field
and look for aloe
why? -sick am I !

(Translated from Bengali by - Umanath Bhattacharya)
ETHICS : He was self-inflated ,like expanding Universe, inviting Big-Crunch.
Holly-wood success is ,perhaps, the etiology of his disease.
Mr. Gibson , with your anti- Semitic view, you did not learn, further, that your Jesus was a Jew ! and Semitic people gave no less to the world than your Aryans !

Dear Sir , without Einstein ,Yehudi Menuhin, Heisenberg and so on were would your boasting and delirious talks end. Please be modest ,take more rest and contemplate rather than following `Exhibitionism`.
By making a commercially successful film , your Ego is exploding like a `supernova`.Anti-Semites is a disease. All Ethnic Races were created by the Divine or Mother Nature and have divine`s sanction to exist.
When you were full with a mere few pegs , you lost control on your-self while with a cross on his shoulder and crown of thorn on his head a Jew, -evolved into a Christ .
You, perhaps` were not Qualified to make that film.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


`Not a dream, nor peace , nor about love
a set of consciousness work within my heart
can not evade or escape; it holds my hand
within his; all my works become worthless or waste
all thoughts ,all prayer-time -void ; all void....`!
(translated from the Bengali poem-`Bodh` -by Jibanananda Das )

`In a flash of inspiration or intuition the artist finds a word or a line... And the rest is only padding up`

Those words are from George Barnard Shaw , the author of `Man and Superman`.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


The Psychological lift or stimulus to senior citizens of to day is that an aged man can have the opportunity of being a `Boy-friend` even if he is past 7o years in age.
The same psycho-stimulus is available to a lady of older age to be a `Girl-friend.
To be labelled as `boy` or `girl` even when one is past 60 yrs is really a cutting-age temptation!

`War is sometimes the price for Peace`
(opinion of Churches -`On Larry King Live`)

The universe of to day is the resultant effect of Big-Bang or `chaos`. War is the eternal structural design of our Universe within, and also of the Universe outside.
All final Peace is balancing act of war between opposing forces like matter-antimatter co-existence in Cosmos. We have to accept the conditions as imposed by Nature on us.

Poetry is a way of exposing one`s invisible soul on perceptual field (for others to experience} through twisted lines and dots called alphabets and letters. Of course any collection of words arranged in rhymes and meters may not be poetry,

" I do not at all believe in human freedom in the philosophical sense"
Einstein (Ideas and Opinion)

`The idea of free will is a wrong notion..... We have no free will.....The cow that is bound by a very long rope on grass land of limited size, thinks, it is free ! ...but it is free only within limitation`
SriRamakrishna (in `Kathamrita`)

Free will can be easily put to test when we think we are free to jump to the roof from the ground. No Knowledge of Gravitation is necessary. we all are bound by higher laws.

Friday, August 04, 2006

ART & AESTHETICS :Art is a way of carrying an idea inside the Artist to an altered level of perception for the reader or viewer or the listener. A poet uses words(like a painter-artist uses color) to transform the fixed connotation of a word to another reflective meaning to make it a carrier of different meaning. For example, the `desert-sun` in a poem may mean an adverse social condition and lead the reader to another level of perception of existing social condition.
According to Sri Aurobindo(Future Of Poetry) the quality of a poem depends not only on the skill of the poet but also on the level of his mental-psychic condition at the time of his writings (vital, mental, psychic or higher expanded consciousness).

To me,if a writing or a poem does not change my existing poise of mind and take me to a higher, altered level of consciousness, I feel that my time was wasted .

Shakespeare died the day-when
the `WALL-STREET` quoted his lines
in their Ads, - for business.

Thursday, August 03, 2006



Deeper dives the root
higher climb the branches
closer comes down -the sky.

`Man is the most ferocious animal`. G.B.S said it. `Animals kill when they are hungry but man kill for sports`.
Good and bad are words within the field of relative feeling. When, as a doctor`, I kill germs, my patient call my profession `Noble` but if the germs had a computer to communicate would have called me a mass-murderer. Or, the story of the mother whose son was killed by a shark and the photographer who took a brilliant snap of the child in the jaw and was rewarded $ 100000/=. The joy and sorrow were the either side of the same coin(event).Individuals measure events from their own angle of vision and self-defined moral stand.
Electricity has +V and -V terminals .That does not make the word `negative` an evil quality. Without that negative terminal, the electricity it-self would not function.

My daughter wants me write my biography on my child-hood in the very very remote and rural corner of the then `east Bengal(now Bangladesh) unto the period of our immigration to America!(1992-93).She is very much interested and fascinated about real village-child-hood that I still remember as my best treasure in my life .But after I learnt from Mark Twain, I am the least interested person to write Autobiography.
Some one asked Mark Twain -`who are the greatest lie rs in the World`? Quick and sharp was his answer - `Autobiographers`.Autobiographers have most often to hide so much truth to hype their image and stabilise their personality. To be Roussou or Gandhi are not the fortune for everyone.
I know, I am no body to be noticed much and no one would waste time or be eager to know about my experiences in life .So let me try to evade the issue and write things that are easier. But to me, I had the best childhood that a life can have.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Is `Liberty` itself - male or female
no body dare define
Yet, `Statue of Liberty, has feminine form
and that we can`t deny.
The idea and spirit must realise a form
on the perceptual field
as Mother Nature is a Mother-force
that no none has ever denied
What is abstract /immutable, the `Artist ` can
re-design in shape or words.

The July sky inundated ,around, with heavy downpour
an optimist earth-worm tried to crawl across
to the other side of flooded green
and dried to death on the middle of route no:-seven
near ACME-Shopping-complex of Delaware
I -the lone witness, - on my aging daily walk.

At the Dawn of Civilisation (Preaxial & Axial), there was strict code of conduct of Waring. In Mahabharata-War, the fighters could even visit enemy camps in the evening (when fighting would stop) and could have pleasant exchanges, even play with Dice.
In the dark age of Europe and Asia (Chenghis khan to Julius caessar)would not leave behind enemies or have the ethics of keeping prisoners and feed them but would simply kill all of them so that there would be none to grow and plan against.
The Modern War-fare is now unique in the sense that there bis no agreed war front .
Enemies can take shelter in hospitals, any residential area and turn it into a hiding centre of launching missiles and opponents can also on that pretext bomb and destruct all institution of civilization.
In this 21st Century of High-tech war you need to have a few atomic bombs to frighten all humanity and may even drop it depending on your genetic/psychic disposition (edxcuse me , I shall not name Hiroshima).

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Don`t frame your dream
nor hold
let it float
on cerulean sky
within you.