Saturday, May 09, 2009

Soliloquy -!V

Even wih my sketchy or incomplete knowledge in either field, I dare to claim that Vedanta is not only a text book on Spirituality but also a guide book on Cosmology that can match even the String or M-theory of modern era. If in doubt,go thru Mandukya upanishad where AUM or the first Cosmic vibration matching the String theory and also the M-theory of' Universes breeding like rats 'can be traced. Or, know the ' salt and water' storey of father telling Shwetaketu - how the Divine and ITS Conciousness(collective conciousness of C.G Yung) is involved in every phase of cosmic manifestaion(not Creation) and assures "tattam- asee-Swetaketu".['thou art that']

The universe was not created 4000 yrs ago(Sectarian idea !)nor 'we are all Under God(God has no under surface nor a roof above). Cosmic Consciousness the manifestating magic power is invoved in everything we see or is perceived; and also every immutable possibilities like Quantum universe , string, membrane, dark matter , dark energy and also all. - that will be declared in future. Remember,like all that we find so real when we dream and all that we declare as 'real' is a Master-play in our field of consciousness which is an iseperable tiny window of the field of Divine Consciousness. And who is the author of that game? Well, who-ever or whatever ,- HE has no belly-button [and that I am sure of]; because HE or IT does not fit in E= mc-square frame. And So long we concentrate our attention on the Magics of the Universe, we will not know the shape of the Magician. Yes, Modern Science is the real 'Samkhya -spirit' of Vedanta. Let us search HIS palace; maybe, we will find his throne, if not HIM. But what about "Atmanang biddhi" -or 'Know thy -SELF'!. Maybe, that is another place of His hiding !

The sad part of this episode is like the two brothers of the one family hating each other! The scientists do not read Vedanta nor the priests or 'churches' care to know about Science ( the Modern Samkhya darshan or realisation). Forget not, - Vedantic 'darshan' and Western 'philosophy' are not Synonims in spiritual sense. (concluded). [protecred under Second Amendment)


Let us explore ! Einstein'sE=mcSqure disclosed the matter-enegy relation ofthe material universe. Max Planck's Quantum unit led to the modern magic of quantum mechanics of sub-atomic Universe. All great formulas are like subtle poetry as also the sutras of Vedantic realisations. With Roman arithmatics ,science would have been,even to day, a lame duck ! It is Space science that we ae now busy with . Let us again travel several thousands back to Vedantic Realisation.Yajnyvailka faced the famous Gargi in 'Brihadaranyaka' responded that -which is above Heaven and below Earth and also in-between and yet not affected by Time is -Space' .In what the space it-self is woven? the answer given was immutable Field or 'Akshara'("it consumes nothing and nothing consumes it" -Ref-The Upanishads by Eknath Eswaran:ISBN-10:0-915132-39-7; 12th print;p-41). So ! Was Vedanta in any way far behind our Modern Cosmology even thosse thousands of years back ! (contd.) [protected by seccond Amendment]

Friday, May 08, 2009


Another time : the strutggling and starving Europe,thriving on piracy and colonial mastication , found India weak, very rich and backward in the art of War or millitancy. . That was true and our mythological back-ground admits it.(In Ramayana, Our demonic Ravana had his golden city(Swarna Lanka) while Rama the gentle ' prince' had to accept' exile' as per social ethics of the then civilised society. Just as, - all CEOs in America are richer than any professor of any American University (Einstein was a ,financially, poor scientist compared to the 'builder Trump').But let us not deviate from the main issue.

It took a time like seventeen years, in applied science, to prove Einstein's 'bending of light' by Gravitation & it took almost 80 years for Chandrashekharan to get the recognition of his work by Nobel Committee. And after three thousand years(with +/-), the M-theory and String theorists are on the verge of agreeing to the Vedantic -Darshan(not philosophy) regarding the true Nature of the Endless Universes and existence of Eternity beyond Big-Bang orTime-Space limitation.Where would have been all these applied science without Indian contribution of the divine Zero to the field of Science and Mathematics. Please don't again say that 'they' borrowed it from Arab world, (for God's sake) ! Like quantum technology, the modern revelation are but only apllied Vedantic Sutras. Next time, may I be allowed to link between Einstein's Time-Space and Yagyavailka's revelation of the same thru Gargi, the great Ldy of Vedantic Age ( Contd) [the statements are protected under seccond Amendment)

SOLILOQUY ! ( views protected under Seccond Amendment)
First,'they' said that 'the world is flat'(but we,Indians did not believe so -{"akhanda mandalakarang byaptang jenachara charang" -said our scripture, meaning the univrse that is indivisible and spherical and infinite}.
Then the Christian faith ruled the world and found that the universe (our world ) was created by the Lord only 4000 yrs. back. and the Catholic fathers burnt Bruno,the great scientist,for declaring his faith in a new way.Then they harrassed Copernicus and punished Galileo(but India allowed ,even, Carvak to say anythig he believed).
The church ruled the world of science that time. And that was when even the ordinary villagers in India knew about the Indivisible spherical Universe and Absolute monistic nature of God.
Time and centuries rolled past .Finally,science (like Samkhya Philosiphy) survived and won the battle . And a blessed time followed when Newton(s) and Einstein(s) of later centuries escaped the noose or whips of all Churches of every sects everywhere( both were true believers). And the Vedantic view about the absolute nature of the Lord and the 'endlessness and multiplicity of galactic universes' have now been accepted thru applied-science (of Vedantic view) like the Quantum-technology of post Planck-Einstein world.(contd)

Thursday, May 07, 2009

' I think, so I am' -thus said Des Cartes
Well, he said the truth, as he knew then. Agreed
but , since then all 'Time-Space' has changed and surrendered to 'Relativity.
I am and so I think; can't it be the other truth !
Yes, it can and it has because - now the' author of all, is but our 'Cosmic Consciousness'
that sustains beyond all Temporal field and also beyond
all level of physical existence.