Monday, July 31, 2006


Why was born, none could tell
where shall return , known not yet
in-between, 3-D shadow -play here
defined as, -`life`.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

!976; The venue was C.R.Park, Delhi India. That was my rest-day from Hosp-work.Siting on a chair with a sketch-book and pen (my hobby), I was scanning the road crowd for a `subject`. ..A very shaply young Rajasthani girl with a basket on her head, was offering `new utensils in exchange of old-clothes.
She was scantily clad as she could not cover her body(poverty).
Two/three young loafers were following close and scanning her exposed body with spicy comments..
Instead of making a sketch, I wrote a poem.''''''
(Essence of the poem was: -being unrobed by Duswashana, Draupadi praying to krishna to save her from such embarassment (Mahabharata-analogy). That one event created two outcomes,-did it not ! Ethics and Aesthetics are so much inter-related ! .

Saturday, July 29, 2006


There is nothing more yeilding and softer
than water
to crush the hardest, -there is nothig else
like water
(translated -by phani basu)

Friday, July 28, 2006


The Sun walks the eternal Sky
The Sky the Ascetic ever
sits alone
Timid soul, why so disturbed
to live alone !

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Michael Angelo was once asked - how he made so beautiful figure out of shape-less stone. His answer was so revealing, - ` I did not make anything ; the beautiful figure was already there; I only removed the ugly mass of stone covering the `beautiful` and it was liberated from the ugly mass of stone`.
I have not found ,yet, a better definition of `Art and Aesthetics` told in any better way and so beautifully !

Monday, July 24, 2006


A young woman walks ,scarcly clad, with a begging bowl.
A beautiful high-priced actress ,ready in bikini ,for shooting.
An aging Art-critic witness both visuals and tries to find his words on Ethics & Aesthetics.

Many times I tried, in vain
sleep jumped out of my closing lids
throughout night.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

So much to tell
so little time left
yet whisper to
the setting sun.
`A lover plucked a rose, with sharp-nails
pinned it on his darling`s hair
she melted in joy,rewarded a kiss
and like a creeper embraced him.

The rose too, slowly embraced death
on this love-stage; and Aftermath
did not record who offered how much
on this enacted `Stage of Love.
-phani basu-
SCIENCE :Science is a word ,not a 3-d substance.It is the discriminatiry path to-wards Truth for colletive -perception.If you can not challenge any one,s idea,it is not science.In Vedantic Time the place of Modern Science was dealt by SANKHYA (YOGA)or Darshan of Discrimination.On the perceptual Universe the observation or ideas of one, has to be observable to others also.(OBserver-Object and Observation),Force-feeding of anyone`s faith is not science.`Blind -faith` -prescription of Theologic World has been the cause of many crisis and tragedies in human history.
ART, ETHICS & AESTHETICS :Fulfil the demands of material life or transcend it .You can not live for life term with Art,Ethics & Aesthetics with your hungry belly and starving family.Sense of beauty is a flower that blossom in the garden of Soul-consciousness.We have to climb above the level of the field of Vital-desire to know, what Art,Ethics And Aesthetics are. They are not available in `BIG-BAZARS` nor can be borrowed from Library prints. One has to grow it in his own Soul-garden. But ,What is Soul!- (next time).

Friday, July 21, 2006

AESTHETICS :Sense of Beauty is a receptive attitude of mind-soul complex. Everything in Nature is not beautiful. The Artist selects/draws beauty out of Chaos in Nature. The perceptual world is a mixed up Field .(Oscar Wilde)
The sense of beauty is an extraction by creative and evolving process through conscious play. All words ,known or unknown, are there in a Dictionery. The poet or novelist aesthetically arrange words to lift up the reader to a higher level of perception. Yet, not all writings are aesthetic display. Commercial success are most often not the representation of aesthetic voyage in our modern Civilisation.
What is highly popular may not be aesthetic nor artistic.There are difference between Best-seller popular writing and creative writing of high order.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

POETRY : Poetry is the expression of the inner poise of soul laid bare for the objective universe to know and react on perceptual level.
Poetry is like the fragrance of incense rising high beyond the level of physical existence. While the incense-stick is burnig down, its essence spread out to represent itself. Poetry is the hidden consciousness of soul taking form.