Monday, October 09, 2006

If every thing is vibration/ your look and my touch
or your voice on my ears/ your kiss or smile
the sweet smell or thy tears
What remains for us my dear/ to get involved in or joyously hide !
Scientist, -you say, our love and what we feel
are play of electro-magnetic field !

What is the limit of knoledge ? / where is the wisdom of knowing Truth ?
If final knowledge lead us all- / to tragic revelation of everything void !
or all values lead to ultimate nothingness !
Oh love, -let us hide within
we need a little of ignorance, to be happy
without knowing more - for ?
we have already known too much !!

Phanibhusan Basu

Copyright ©2006 Phanibushan Basu


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Soliloquy of a wounded soldier
Don`t invite me, any more to festivities of life
I am dead-tired ; breathing hard -like
gasping wounded soul (outside/within)
Why ask me now !-where does my happiness lie?
Lived, seen, experienced so much !
the war ,the death and dying love
all`living`-death -s and aftermath

Now ,too tired of all sorts of war
Let it be ,as is -the wound
raw or dry-dead crust of blood
Wipe them not. - as all situations are
the same !all dreams so meaningless !

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

There is always a common man`s conclusion that anything written with measured meter and ending in rhymes is poem or poetry Yet verse, ballad , poems and poetry may not be the class of aesthetic-art.
Poetry is not structural or visual dance of words but something deeper floating out of soul-psyche-complex and communicating deeper level experience to the outer media of consciousness
Poetry has of course different expressions of its own according to emotional ,intellectual or soul-psyche of the poet.
A poet dwelling mostly on Physical- vital level of experience can write only that type of poetry portraying such physical and vital desires of living, involving sensual/mental world . To him Shakespeare`s sonnet may seem a mere nonsense
Those poets that live within the zone of their psychic heart or on soul level will write different poetry. For them physical desire or perceptual aesthetics may not have the same appeal.
At the highest level of pure soul and realisation poetry become pure unified form of realisation from which our vedantic experiences came out.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Castle of fame

Every one toils for a name-plate
lured by hope of grandeur- and
seeks a niche in the castle of fame.

The river descends and run
twist or turn
and thus pour down
its liquid faith
on speeding stream.

And then it contemplates/or, it dreams:
some day -on its onward way/ it will meet
on back-drop of infinite azure sky
its ultimate love and goal - and
and will be `free`
embracing the Ocean - or
the Sea.