Saturday, March 24, 2007

Aesthetics & Poetry : { JOY OF PERCEPTION !
Take it from me
or elsewhere , as you like
We are all -Biological robots
in terminal phase of evolution
Our only hope lie in our consciousness
flowing from the Divine ,-like this `nternet connection`
with which I am connecting with you all and if you
only allow ; and if our DNA with AGTC ,ever
ever rhythm and rhyme within -like
a smphony or a poem! Or , if like a ray
of `Sun-shine`, the illumination happens
in our diarnal life to light up darkness
any when within our frailing heart

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Political Satire (Art of telling)

`My kingdom , for my Horse` -[ Richard the third[
*** Gathering storm !
or , quick-sand base !
or some hunting trap
should I dare 0r `duck`
Or ,is it `New orleans repeating stage
[not only tornado but busting dam ! ]
So carefully, - I built my castle !
But whatever it is now !
No, ! - not under `oath .- for
I do not know - the tunnel's end !
Yet which one first ?
To sacrifice them for my thrown -or ,
`my kingdom for my Horse`.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Under FIRST AMENDMENT : ( Art Of Telling )

Without good opposition any big `Game` is boring.

Without a `villain` or without a good oppose -er any , there can be no good stage-play ( G.B.S : -` there is no hero ,nor villain in a good `but` but only victims of situations )
Without anti-heroes, all great Shakespeare -plays would be forgotten by now ! (without matter-antimatter plan, the cosmos would not exist)

Without checks and Balances, only crisis and chaos survives ! Without an Opposing Superpower, the Global stage is nowa Tornedo-field !

And finally ,without some equal power to sober it, America is `Running -amuck,` due to over intoxicated state. of Power- drinking ` ( Don`t Drink and Drive Syndrome). and.........
`Democracy` is not an injectable `solution`. Even our Democracy needs many Amendments.

Monday, March 19, 2007

ETHICS ! - WE need some ANESTHETICS -now !

The IRAQ-WAR , now the great DON_QUIXOTIC venture
and a made-up case as par New Theory of Fate

W.M.D =Wind Mill Detection.

De La Munch, our VP friend is a skilled shooter of course-though
sometimes shoots a friend instead of helpless bird (without arm)
And - Don ? the Commander -supreme
never fought on War-field , yet elected commander-Supreme-in chief
and if Constitution is not changed, -nothing can be done !
Nuclear-annihilation looming now large on all -for you never know
the state of mind , of some Dons now multiplied
Don`t believe me ? well, -you have not seen
peter Seller,s famous film - Dr. Strange love.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


( About POETRY)
Poetry will make no statement; Poetry has `to be (-what it says).

`Poetry is the ultiamte combination,integration and resulatant effect of mind-heart out-flow of our deeper consciousness` - Jibanananda Das of Bengal

Poetry is an effort of laying oue `s heart-mind-& self-experience (consciousness/awareness) on perceptual field of others , for every one ,to know and feel for themselves.THe poet does not know what is `flowering, within ,- just as a priest does not know the face of his divine. Writng Poetry is like, - INCENSE, - burning out itself and giving fragrance for others to experience, like self-realisation` -----------HGT.

Friday, March 16, 2007

SUPRA-COSMIC SPEHERE (Nature,s Balancing act)
Nature`s Balancing act - they are too
or the Cosmic Law - even on Global terms
all World -Wars even Tornedoes , Sunami , Cyclones,Storms
the balancung act ; even - the Uncertainty Principle of Heisenberg
played by by the Designer Divine
Einstein is right -`God does not play dice`
What is uncertain , -is known to that Divine.
It is a recorded staement by a 19th century sage(*1898)
that` 21st century will be ruled by yelloow race`.
Some supreme power is now like *`Ravana`s golden- Lanka`
playing for its own down-fall
(another `balancing act` or like
`Uncertain principle of Heisenberg)`
* may ask for the recorded reference)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Was never born nor shall ever die
Long years back , took this shelter of biologic form
that you call a body or perishable form

Shall leave this body some day again
through an `Exit` door ,- named as `death`
Yet Iam myself the Consciousness pure
the effulgent ray of that ultimate SELF

May look different like a single ray of the Sun
cloud-covered ,-but never seperate nor
deatched from the supreme source ,known as
the Absolute or the very First Cause,

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Art of American Politics & Ethics of living world ( A poem in Satire)

`Now is the winter of (their) discontent`
made glorious summer by this (clever) son
Don`t you ever worry my dear - Glibby
Your thirty years ` jail shall mean nothing, in the end
`Plots I have laid and inductions dangerous`
by legal turmoils two years shall easily pass
and you will remain that-long free outside.
I have less than two years , with my hands tightly bound
and before I leave , thou shall get my `PARDON`
though, nobody is clever enough, yet ,to know
So, my dear, you can keep up your smiling face
just dodge or dig or lie low and laugh
I shall be thy savior,-before I rest or leave.