Tuesday, April 24, 2007

EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS : ( Aesthetics & Ethics )
The subtlest act of `execution` and then, - a `show` of `love`is to clip or cut an innocent blooming flower(cruelest act !) and bring it to a place of festive joy or present it to your `love ` or even to a place of `betrothal , or any Funeral ; or , otherwise, to please a `leader` or saluting a `Guru` of any type !
That fragrant flower , it-self, was a `life`. Who are you to choose -if that bloom had no right to live , or needs be sacrificed !
The `dead man walking`- does not know, those flowers had more life within , than all that could be extracted from your clever mind. ..........................
.Here, I still remember the poem of Oscar Wilde (read forty years back ) -`The ballad of the Reading Gaol` where the great Poet and writer told that, we are all ` murderers` [even lovers] in certain form and, oftener, in disguise !

Saturday, April 21, 2007

This Century is growing sick ( Latest Report ) .I can not prove it but - I can feel
This baby Century growing sick, - somrwhere within ,behaving `Autistic` now and then though from outside ,it seems , `he is fast and smart ! within and outside ,unto outer-space .
And Somtimes ,some wisdom express - harsh ;`he` may take a violent or suicidal turn -any day and it is time to re-value and then treat or restrict `him` .
But who does care ! The Mother- Nature , grieving, frustrated and sad,- re-acts sometime feeling harassed !
`Oh ! Insanity, , thy name is ~Human` . This much I can feel ; but can not prove !

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

If Rome was ruling, even today,the Modern science would crawl likw a crripled baby with Roman numericals as their tools for Arithmatic./counting.
Zero (o) , and so called `Arabic numericals, are all (Vadantik) Bharat-varsha`s gift to the World. I think, tne word `India` is a Grreek slang (pronunciation -fault and same opinion about the word-`Hindu`). The West got this `Bharatya ` gift`through Arabs and named them `Arabic` ; {like Columbus stumbled upon an unknown Land and thought it was Indisa &`Red-Indians `was his conclusion about the local people there}.
The fault was not of the Arabs; it was the duty of the borrower of knowledge to find the source and then apologise ( comedy of Errors` by Invaders) Modern Science and Historians have their big obligation to anounce the truth & loudly. (For more , one may read the aticle of Micheal N.Nagler in the Book-The Upanishads` by Eknath Easwaran,ISBN-10;0-915132-39-7)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Ethics & 21st Century:
POVERTY may not be a personal disqualification but is surly the greatest human Crime.
To spend trillions or billions for defence strategy is a Global/National crime so long even a few hundred die, anywhere on the surface of the Globe.
I believe, human -animality is much worse than `killing habits of animals. They have no choice but we, humans. - had ! It also means, human beings have not progressed much on the scale of Evolution while, abusing their expanding consciousness/awareness !
As Sri aurobindo said : if a man is left poor, he has every right to rob your wealth .Every thing in this universe belongs to every one.
You try your clever way to exploit others to be rich and the exploited ones have also their genetic-right to rob you for their biological and social/economic survival.
Human beings are only a very,very fractional part of livng Universe. This world does not belong to us, human alone but to all, I assert, all beings. `You are nobody to decide everybody`s fate!