Sunday, March 28, 2010


When I see famous personalities and politicians walking , making 'long faces to wards "Stephen Court" with cut flowers and buds of ' RAJANI GANDHA' to express their sadness, I see other pictures of 'Murderers', though in different wave-length.

The country where Acharya Jagadih Channdra Bose proved that plants anf flowering buds have equal pattern of life,like ours, how these so called 'Sympathisers' can carry cut flowers and butchered buds to the Tragic stage of Death like "Stephen Court" [to prove their deep sorrow ]. Those flowers and buds had also equal rights to get back to their life in another way !.
The trouble of living in this Modern world of insensetive sophistication is that ; -Modern Civilisation has lost the finer sense of expanding consciousness and are more intoxicated with sham sympathy and political ' stage-show' than real feeling at the very depth of their Soul'
Of course, the term Soul is almost an alien logo in the present world of Sensual living!